Friday, February 20, 2009

Elmer Fudd and other things...

The other night Jehu sang "Rock-A-Bye Baby" while he tried to go to sleep. He sounded just like Elmer Fudd.
Wok a bye baby in the twee top
When the wind bwos the cwadle will wok
when the bough bweaks the cwadle will fall
down will come baby cwadle and all
It was difficult not to laugh - it was just so cute. Earlier in the evening he had thrown some of his stretchy lizards, snacks, frogs and worms up on the lizard is still stuck. He'll come down...eventually.

Much has happened since my last post. My father in-law passed away on December 23rd after battling recurring boughts with pneumonia for about 18 months. It was hard to say good-bye but is comforting to know he is in a much better place and in wonderul health! I can imagine him filling his parents in on all the events of the past 70 or so years. They died when he was about 9 within a week of each other of pneumonia.

Joe and I took a much needed vacation to Antigua where we enjoyed some true rest and relaxation. When we left it was 20 degrees in Charlotte so the 80 degree weather there felt devine. We missed the children but enjoyed quiet time. After 7 days in the sun, two massages and a facial I was feeling almost human again. Huge thanks go out to those who made this trip possible: Mimi, Kiki and Becky - you guys are angels! Plans are already in the works for a trip to Jamaica - probably when school is out. :) Can't wait!

I have returned to work in order to assist with student body elections and as with every other year there is a lot of drama. Hopefully after the run-offs next week things will calm down. My last day is scheduled for March 18th.
Jehu is working on doing the do on the potty. I'm so proud of him!

Emma has decided she wants long hair - we'll see how long that lasts since she cannot stand to have it brushed. :)

Both kids have a favorite new name for people: poo poo butt They especially like to say it to each other which means our turtle (Tattle) has been quite busy listening to the moans and groans of the Doozies.

Mom and Bob gave the kids battery operated cars for Christmas. Emma picked out the pink Barbie Mustang and Bob picked out the
John Deere Gator for Jehu. They love to ride in them but have difficulty, for the next foreseeable future someone one must walk beside them and help with that.

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