Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Aunt Kristy!

Aunt Kristy came over last night for about three hours while mommy and daddy went to see Pirates of the Caribbean. Jehu and Emma loved her visit and want her to come again soon! ;) The evening was filled with high-fives, low-fives, hair brushing, playing chase, new songs and oatmeal creme pies! The latter was daddy's suggestion in case they became unruly. Aunt Kristy said she just wanted to treat them. This morning the children wanted to know where Aunt Kristy went and when she'd be back! Emma thinks Aunt Kristy is beautiful (which she is inside and out) and Jehu thinks she's "cool." :)

Our special visitors at Hotel Richland

Throughout our four month stay at "Hotel Richland" we had lots of special visitors. Visiting was limited to parents and grandparents. Grandmom and Papa came almost every day to check on Emma and Jehu. Towards the end of our stay they even began bottling feeding the little ones. Grandmama Wanda visited a lot in the beginning of our stay then had to return to Oklahoma. Grandpapa Bob was able to visit after he returned from Bulgaria. Grandaddy and Grandmama Carol came right before Christmas for a quick visit. So much attention! After both children were in Special Care we were able to arrange for Aunt Katie to see them.