Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Just a couple minutes mommy

I told myself I wouldn't let my children watch much tv; however, Jehu loves the movie Toy Story and he will wear his patch while we watch it. He rarely tries to take it off when Buzz and Woody are entertaining him. So, when I pick them up from daycare and we have to get in our two hours of patching....I reach for the DVD. Tonight as the Disney logo came into view Emma said, "Castle! I like castle!" She turned to Jehu and asked "You like castle?" He responded with "I like castle." (I think) Then she gave a summary of the conversation, "Emma and Jehu like castle." What a girl. She negotiates bedtime now by saying she wants just a couple of minutes with me. She tells me I'm nice. Of course, then she adds that Jaime is nice, Aunt Kiki is nice, and many others in addition to those...are nice. Tonight she would ask herself, "how about ____?" Then answer her own question. Before you know it she's going to have full-length conversations and then going off to college. The italian in her is showing too. She gestures ALL THE TIME. And she makes the funniest faces.

Later this month the Doozies will move to the next classroom and I'm concerned. I don't want to hold them back with younger kids but they are still so much smaller than the others. Plus Jehu is so wobbly. I'm sure it will go smoothly but I can't help worry about them. Today the petting zoo visited daycare again and brought a kangaroo, camel, zebra, hedgehog, tarantula, skunk, horse, cow, two monkeys and two lemurs. I almost forgot...they brought the snakes again. :( This time Emma didn't seem as interested in them, thank goodness.

Another favorite word right now is quesadilla. It seems like once a week the kids have quesadillas as their afternoon snack and apparently Emma likes them. ;)

Binky got a trim today and she looks mighty nice with her blue bandana. The trip to the doggie spa has worn her out...she's been asleep since we got home this evening. The groomer mentioned how cute she was and I was tempted to ask if she wanted to keep her for a little while. Last night, for whatever reason, Binky decided she would rather NOT go outside to potty much to my dismay. Was it raining? No. She just thought inside was more to her liking.